


DesArts: Art & Design Without Frontiers is an affordable online platform that allows artists and designers connect with their target audience. Founded by Julien Haye, it showcases different types of art creations from artists all over the world.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

Being a platform for artists, it’s no surprise that the blog is well laid out with the images of art works and text positioned in an orderly manner. The large banner at the top is an added come-on.

User Friendliness – 10

Going around the site is easy as links are in place. The left column also features the Twitter and Facebook accounts and their latest posts.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

Those who want to get to know artists, their creations as well as ways to protect artwork and how to get your art bought by collectors will have a great time reading the blog posts here.

Useful Info – 9

Whether you are an art lover, a collector or an artist, there’s a lot to learn from the blog posts such as how to protect art works, among the many other topics featured.

Overall Experience – 9

A visit to the DesArts blog should be a pleasant and enriching experience. There are many insights to gain from the blog posts which are well written and easily digestible.

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