Crooks & Liars


Bloggy Award Winner!


Crooks & Liars

At first glance, Crooks and Liars would definitely fall under the category of political blog. Of course, with that label comes along a lot of connotations which may not exactly be positive. Yet as you go along and read this blog, you may just end up being pleasantly surprised as you find yourself being a bit more informed on the happenings in your own country.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

Very simple yet functional, that’s how I would describe the blog’s layout. The blog entries are in the middle column, sandwiched by categories and blogrolls on the left and links and other ads on the right. The main area for entries is wide and clear – black text on white background. Stark it may be but it suits its message.

User Friendliness – 10

You won’t get lost in Crooks and Liars. Previous posts can easily be found on the extensive category listing. Videos load quite quickly.

Reading Enjoyment – 10

If though-provoking is what you want, then this blog tops it all. Reading this blog is like reading a synthesis of the numerous daily papers plus watching the news shows on TV.

Useful Info – 10

As everyone is affected by all that’s happening in one’s country, this blog’s content is very useful; and since the elections are coming up, you will have even more use for what you read on here.

Overall Experience – 10

This is a blog to read for those who care about what’s going on around them. Yet even those who are not really passionate about politics might find themselves liking this blog. A must try for everyone AND a Bloggy Award Winner!

[tags]Crooks and Liars, political blog, US elections, bloggy award[/tags]

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