Common Sense



Common Sense

Amidst a bunch of blogs about fairly ordinary things, one backed by a simple yet extremely worthy cause comes along. With Common Sense, Ken aims to “return reason to the political and social conversation” and persuade people to apply common sense where it is most needed.

Visual Aesthetics – 8

The mostly green theme gives off a friendly vibe, although the side bar may come a bit cluttered as it presents different sites and related causes at random order.

User Friendliness – 9

Ken’s introduction points the reader to an explanation of what the site is all about. Using the sidebar, however, one will need to scroll all the way down to access the archives.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

The ideas discussed here are made to sound simple enough, though the tone may seem more like that of a lecturer to the newbie.

User Info – 8

Some ads and tags may be useful for readers who want to make a difference and need a place to start. Also, books from which the author took inspiration are listed in a section at the bottom.

Overall Experience – 9

This site could prove to be a useful reviewer on history, politics and governance for those serious enough about gaining a better understanding of how those in positions of power use or, more often, abuse the privilege handed to them by the people.

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