If you need advice who better to ask than an angel?
Visual Aesthetics – 9
Ask Angel uses a basic layout but the color scheme looks really nice. Not much images here to complement the posts but it’s alright since it makes for a simple and very neat looking blog.
User Friendliness – 8
Very user friendly. The only thing I had a little trouble looking for was the Archives but it was my fault since I was looking for the usual long list when I realized that the Ask Angel Archives still had just a month in it since its a new blog. The only problem is that there’s no link to the homepage when you go to static pages. Aside from this if you click on the Submit Question link it will simply give you an email address where you can contact the author. it would be a good idea if she added a form where you can directly submit a question without having to open your email.
Reading Enjoyment – 8
The blog posts are mostly advice Angel dishes out. Advices of course do not make for enjoyable reading. However you can say that Angel is not preachy when she gives advice and most of what she writes is sound.
Useful Info – 8
Since this is an advice blog you can be sure that the information you get are useful. However since it’s still new blog there’s still relatively few topics you can find. The blog has great potential though and with time is surely going to have more useful info for its readers. In just a few months this blog will merit a 10 when it comes to useful info.
Overall Experience – 8
Ask Angel is a new blog with great potential. I personally am interested in visiting it from time to time to see how it turns out. If you need advice or have a question about anything and don’t feel like doing any research then Ask Angel and let her find the answer for you.
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