The popular television show American Idol hits the bloggy world with this blog by Dan – which is everything and anything about the show’s 2006 season. A must for Idol fans!
Visual Aesthetics – 6
Not the best work done on a Blogspot template (with some annoying ads), but there are great photos of the show and other things loosely connected – as well as those that have taken Don’s fancy, like some rather large ones of Pamela Anderson from the Juno Awards. Also a treat are the variety of video clips of both music and film.
User Friendliness – 7
The homepage comes off as being on the messy side, but the categories are still easily reached and organized decently. Loading times for the videos are also quick.
Reading Enjoyment – 9
Lots of great stuff about the show, its contestants and judges (and Dan’s 2-cents) – so again, if you like the show you’ll definitely keep on reading.
Useful Info – 9
The entries themselves are chock-full of links and there are some nice movie-trailer links as well on his sidebar.
Overall Experience – 8
For those hooked on Idol, this blog is a great source of info, with a nice mix of juicy insider stuff and factoids. And if you missed last season, well, look no further….
[tags]american idol,simon cowell,paula abdul,pamela anderson,television show[/tags]