A writer‘s blog for writers is how Melly would describe her blog. Readers participate by becoming guest posters. Countless useful ideas written in a mostly no-nonsense fashion prove that behind this blog is a serious writer.
Visual Aesthetics – 6
Gray is the dominant color- cool to the eyes but not very emphatic. There aren’t too many pictures but it is a writer’s blog, not an artist’s – after all. She makes use of columns to sort out all the information. This template allows a ton of links to be packed into one page yet I am left with the feeling of being a little bit overwhelmed.
User Friendliness – 8
Abundant resources are very well-organized in columns. They are categorized under relevant headings. Guest posters, writing links, even the most popular posts can be found quite easily.
Reading Enjoyment – 7
This blog is not for everyone, yet if you love writing, you will definitely enjoy this. The posts are well-written and jam-packed with content. Perhaps it is due to the relatively narrow target audience of the blog that there aren’t too many comments on there.
Useful Info – 8
Melly apparently likes to share what she knows to the world. This is evident not only in her posts but in what you can find in the center and right columns. She gives links to her del.icio.us account where you can find all her bookmarked sites.
Overall Experience – 7
All kinds of writers can benefit from and share their skill with others through this blog. A little tweaking might help increase the readership of this very useful blog.
[tags]writers,writing blog,writers guide,writing,authors,freelance writers[/tags]