The Personal Injury Blog by Findlay is owned and managed by the Findlay Law Firm based in Canada. The site offers useful legal information particularly on ways to protect one’s self. It covers various categories such as brain, burn and childhood injuries and distracted driving as well as motorcycle and motor vehicle accidents.
The personal injury lawyers that run the Findlay Law Firm are dedicated to protecting their clients and ensuring they get the compensation they deserve.
Visual Aesthetics – 9
A white background theme always promotes a clean and stress-free experience to any reader visiting this blog. The big fonts for the titles of every blog post and the images included also help to attract visitors.
The categories on the right column also serve as a guide on the content available on the site.
User Friendliness – 10
It’s fairly easy to navigate through the blog as links lead to the appropriate pages. Visitors can choose from the categories on the right column to direct them to the specific page they want to browse.
Right on the home page, interested clients can get in touch with the legal team via chat and email.
Reading Enjoyment – 9
Readers and new visitors will have a pleasant experience while browsing on this personal injury blog. The blog titles and the images in every post are attention grabbing.
Useful Info – 9
People researching on legal terms and on helpful information related to personal protection can gain insights from the blog posts. They are also guided by the categories on the right column which should help them easily find the topics they want to read.
Overall Experience – 9
A stress-free and pleasant browsing experience awaits visitors of this blog. With the legal team running this blog committed to helping their clients, the information provided on the site is sure to give added knowledge to visitors.