The Word That Changed The World


This is Tipping Point_small

This is Tipping – The Word That Changed The World helps people, whether individuals or groups, find the right motivation to pursue their projects regardless of their nature. It aims to assist clients in creating change and taking the right action through the provision of communication and advocacy tools.

Visual Aesthetics – 10

The site’s unique layout design, white background truly and banner sized photos are vital factors that truly appeal to the eyes of any visitor. The font size is also of the right size which allow visitors to easily read the content.

User Friendliness – 10

The links available make it easy to navigate around the site and visit the company’s social media accounts.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

People and groups looking for a firm that can help them in their respective social and even political campaigns can turn to This is the Tipping for assistance. Browsing through the site will let you in on how the firm works and the tools it uses to enable clients to achieve their goals.

Useful Info – 10

The content shared on the site goes beyond what the company does because it also provides useful information on the best ways to start and complete a project successfully whether it is handled by an individual or group and create positive change.

Overall Experience – 10

Anyone visiting the site will surely be enlightened on what people can do to create change in their community and the world, what it takes to create change and the emotions involved. This is the site to go to if you’re dedicated to pursuing a valuable project.

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