The Sterling Road


The Sterling Road

The Sterling Road is not the typical news & commentary blog. Authored by Jay Kirell, a former reporter, blogger and combat veteran, it shares the personal opinions of the author covering a wide range of topical events on politics, sports, entertainment and and life in general. His blog posts are categorized into essays, news, sports and weird. Kirell served in the U.S. Army in 2010 until the summer of 2013.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

The blog is simple and its white theme promotes a clean look. The sections and the web pages are well positioned one can easily go to where he or she wants to browse. Several blog posts are shown on the home page with the titles in large fonts so they easily catch attention. The various categories on the right column are also in large fonts and with accompanying images.

User Friendliness – 10

Going around the site is easy whether you want to check out the blog posts or the different sections of The Sterling Road. All links are working fine so one should be able to go where he or she wants to browse. For the blog posts, there are various categories available that you can find on the right column – Original, Breaking News, Weird, Sports and Trending.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

For those who want to read some personal views on different topics, this blog is a good read. Authored by a former journalist and combat veteran, there’s no reason why one won’t have a pleasant reading experience while browsing through the site.

Useful Info – 9

Regular readers and visitors are sure to gain great insights from the author’s blog posts. The site is regularly updated with engaging articles based on the latest news hence, the information being shared is always fresh and often with an interesting angle.

Overall Experience – 9

It’s a nice experience being able to read posts from the perspective of a former reporter and soldier and The Sterling Road offers just that. There’s something new to learn from every article of Jay Kirell and for those eager to see how an American soldier in Afghanistan leads his life, this blog is a must-follow.

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