Single and Sober | Blog


Single and Sober

The Single and Sober blog offers useful information on how to succeed in online dating while you’re in the recovery process including ways to create a good profile and date a former alcoholic. The main website is all about sober dating, dating in recovery and aa dating. It aims to help people trying to recover from their personal issues mingle with others and eventually find a loving relationship.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

The site sports a clean and uncluttered look with a white background which makes it easy to attract people and encourage them to browse through the content.

User Friendliness – 10

The blog is easy to navigate and each blog post can be open in its entirety through the links provided.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

People recovering from all forms of addiction should find it worthwhile reading the blog posts that offer insights and useful tips.

Useful Info – 10

The blog’s content are not only useful but provide great insights from the personal testimonies of adults in the recovery process. It goes to show that there’s hope for former addicts to lead a sober life and achieve success in their respective fields.

Overall Experience – 9

Adults in the recovery process should have a worthwhile experience while browsing through the blog. There’s so much to learn from the content available including the testimonies from those recovering from all forms of addiction.

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