Rolling My Eyes

giant rolleyes

Rolling My Eyes

All original tales from Queenie, a writer who defines herself as someone who is “standing over the fresh pot of percolated coffee on my [her] kitchen counter, my [her] arms outstretched, exclaiming “Look what I have created!” So come take a look and enjoy what Queenie has created.

Visual Aesthetics – 5

Neat, plain, and boring. Not an eyesore but definitely blah. At least it isn’t to cluttered not littered with too much ads.

User Friendliness – 7

Positives: Fast loading time. Highly readable text. Organized and neat sidebar. Straightforward navigation. Negatives: No labels/categories. Too plain. No link to previous posts at the bottom of the page. Infrequent posting.

Reading Enjoyment – 10

Good reads. No need to roll your eyes for you’ll find really good stories here. A very unique refreshing blog. The stories will leaving you waiting for the next one.

Useful Info – 4

Purely for reading enjoyment, which to me is pretty useful so even with almost no links and no usual useful information this blog won’t get a zero.

Overall Experience – 6

This blog deserves a much higher rating content-wise. However it does need sprucing up. If you are into good fiction though you will overlook the plain look.

