Random Good Stuff



Random Good Stuff

It’s a pumpkin. No, it’s a stick of gum. Wrong both times. It’s an inflatable flash drive! This is just a sample of what you can find in Random Good Stuff. The blog title lives up to its name. A subscriber count of over 1,000 should be enough proof that there is something about this blog.

Visual Aesthetics – 8

The simple template and easy-on-the-eyes color scheme makes this blog pleasant to look at. Interesting pictures on every post add to the reader’s pleasure. The font could be a bit larger though.

User Friendliness – 8

Each post has links at the bottom, giving the user a lot of options without having to leave his position on the page. Other links such as recent posts and comments and information about the blogger can be found on a column at the right. There are times when the page loads up slow- could it be media overload?

Reading Enjoyment – 9

Indeed, you can find all kinds of random good stuff here. Some things are more useful than the others, yet one thing they have in common: they are interesting. Boring does not have a place on here. I couldn’t believe some of the things I saw!

Useful Info – 9

If you are into new and unique stuff, then this is the blog for you. You can find anything from gadgets to weird pictures. You can also know more about the author through the links on the right-hand column.

Overall Experience – 8

Quirky and entertaining is what this blog is all about. I would definitely put this on my list.

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