Professional Swimming Pools


Professional Swimming Pools
Professional Swimming Pools
Professional Swimming Pools, also known as PSP Services, has been in business since 2002. They consider their site to be for all you swimmers and swimming pool owners of the World, although they are based in London.

Visual Aesthetics – 7
Professional Swimming Pools has enough images to entice anyone to think about having their own swimming pools. The issue is that the background image is too dotted with the logo, making the overall look a tad messy. Other elements add to that sense of chaos – the way links are presented on the header, for one – but with a little redesign, the blog should be better aesthetically.

User Friendliness – 8
You will find all the relevant links with no problem, and the pages load quickly. Once again, though, the background sometimes makes it difficult to read the text, as in the About page for example. Additionally, the posts can be cropped so that readers only see an excerpt on the homepage, making it easier for readers to see more entries.

Reading Enjoyment – 10
Almost everyone would not say no to having a swimming pool at home. If you’re one of the majority, you’ll find this blog fun.

Useful Info – 10
Whether you are already a swimming pool owner, or you are in the process of deciding to have one built, the blog will give you the necessary information. And, even if you’re not in London, you’ll still find lots of useful information.

Overall Experience – 8
Professional Swimming Pools showcases the company’s capabilities and offerings, as well as other information that a homeowner might find useful and interesting.

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