Negril Notes


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Negril Notes

No he isn’t getting paid for writing about Negril but he sure must be making money FOR the place. One look at the images and a few entries read and you’ll be daydreaming about going to Negril, Jamaica yourself. What started out as something that looked more like a photo blog of his travels is now a blog that spins story after story of Vinny’s travel adventures.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

What blog wouldn’t look good with such great pictures? The header isn’t bad at all but it doesn’t really do justice to Negril.

User Friendliness – 8

Positives: Fast enough loading time. Readable text. Easy on the eye. Easy navigation. Negatives: No link to previous posts at the bottom of the page. Too long sidebar. A little organization and some expandable menus will help a lot.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

The entries are either really long or really short. Short ones are very enjoyable visually since they’re usually just some photos and captions. Long ones are also pretty fun to read but only if you get past the aversion to too long posts.

Useful Info – 10

Lots of info about Negril although if you want to travel there it makes sense to just head to his links (on the sidebar) instead of poring story after story to extract details or to his review page for an inside look at different Negril establishments. There is also has a pretty good book list on the sidebar.

Overall Experience – 9

A pretty good blog. This is more like a travel blog, photo blog, literary blog and personal blog rolled into one. Prepare to feel a twinge of envy if you visit this blog.


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