Model Railway Engineer is a venue for hobbyists to learn and engage with like-minded individuals. Its tagline, “Make. Paint. Build: Tips and tutorials for model trains, scale modellers and miniature war games.” says it all.
Visual Aesthetics – 7
The site has an overall look that matches its theme. The background grid is a perfect representation. It could use some improvements in the header and the Matched Ads in the right sidebar. While the award label in the header is great, it could be larger so there is more symmetry. Alternatively, the badge can be moved to the top sidebar. Additionally, the homepage thumbnails can be made bigger to fit the title lengths.
User Friendliness – 10
Organized is the word to describe the site. It has a header menu that enables the visitor to find what interests him easily. Popular posts are also easily identified.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
Train modellers, war gamers, and other hobbyists will definitely find the blog enjoyable. Knowledge and enthusiasm is a good combination!
Useful Info – 10
Andy shows his experience and passion in every post he publishes. It is clear that he knows what he is doing, and whether you are new to the niche or have some experience under your belt, you will find lots to learn.
Overall Experience – 9
Model Railway Engineer should be on your reading list if you are into making miniature worlds, model railways, and mini painting.