Mama Rose


Mama Rose
Mama Rose is the blog of “a first time,thirty-something, stay at home mom, in search of work-from home opportunities
and the meaning of life with baby!” Yes, her name is Rose and her blog serves as a personal journal as well as an income-earning opportunity.

Visual Aesthetics – 8
The header of Mama Rose is so cute – you can’t go wrong with cute babies! I think the background colors – black, red, and blue – make a strong impression. They would have been great if not for the other bright colors of the ads and the numerous widgets, which are very prominent, taking away from the visual appeal of the blog as a whole.

User Friendliness – 6
The number and positioning of the ads really take something away from the experience. I also wish that there is easy access to the archives. There is a widget for recent posts but when I clicked on the links, a new window or tab was opened. These two things kind of discouraged me to keep on looking for – and reading – other posts.

Another thing that makes it harder on the reader is the number of widgets. There are just too many on a single page, in my opinion. I am not sure but this could be one reason for the slow loading times that I experienced.

Reading Enjoyment – 9
Rose writes quite well. Her tone is conversational, making her posts easy to read. She has quite a lot of sponsored posts but for the main part, she is able to write them in a natural manner. Oh, she does have a bit of adult content – add a little spice so to speak.

Useful Info – 9
Mama Rose has a lot of informational posts about products and services. The blog also presents insights on motherhood and marriage life.

Overall Experience – 8
A visit to Mama Rose every now and then would be fun. I really suggest working on the visuals and usability aspects, though.

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