Lady Java


Lady Java
Lady Java is the personal blog of a coffee loving lady from Singapore. In her blog, she shares the goings on in her daily life.

Visual Aesthetics – 9
Lady Java’s layout, color scheme, and overall look is pretty pleasing to the eyes. Pastel colors have a lot to do with that. I could do without the huge chunk of white space at the bottom of each post, though.

User Friendliness – 9
It is easy to navigate Lady Java – links and posts are well organized. There is a bit of clutter on the right hand column, though.

Reading Enjoyment – 8
I liked browsing through Lady Java’s posts even though I could not relate to many of them. Her posts are easy to read. There are some grammatical slips that could be improved, however.

Useful Info – 8
Though are some posts which tell you stuff to make your blogging life easier and funner, there is not much by way of useful information in Lady Java.

Overall Experience – 8
An interesting read overall and definitely an eye-pleasing one. You should visit Lady Java once in a while, especially if you live in Singapore, as you can relate to the posts more. By the way, Happy Anniversary to Lady Java and her hubby!

[tags]coffee, java, personal blog, Singapore[/tags]

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