iNLP Center



The iNLP Center offers various types of NLP trainings to help people worldwide achieve excellence in their respective endeavors. It provides online and blended NLP certification trainings on different levels from the practitioner to life coach to trainer’s training.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

The iNLP Center website has an organized layout design and has no ads which means visitors can browse without distraction.

User Friendliness – 10

Despite the many information provided on the site, any visitor can navigate easily around the content and pages without getting lost as links are in place.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

Those wanting to learn about NLP trainings will get the information they need on the site. All the content available is very useful and insightful.

Useful Info – 10

The site’s content is very informative and useful particularly for people wanting to learn about and enroll in NLP trainings. Online and phone support are provided if you want further clarifications and discussion.

Overall Experience – 9

A stress-free browsing experience awaits visitors of the iNLP Center website. There’s a lot of information available on the different types and levels of NLP training and the benefits to gain from them.

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