Grand Pa



Grand Pa

This blog takes you straight to your Grand Pa‘s rocking chair by the roaring fire, entertaining you with some good old-fashioned jokes, sensible advice and inspiring stories to keep the young-uns‘ motivated.

Visual Aesthetics – 7

A bit on the messy side with numerous banners, and the overall feel is not exactly easy on the eye. But to be fair, Blogger isnt the easiest template to ‘beautify‘….

User Friendliness – 7

Again, the somewhat scattered layout makes it less than a breeze to navigate through. Uploading and getting through to the other pages is pretty decent though.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

A great GP read for all the family – Grand Pa‘s stories range from “chicken-soup-for-the-soul” inspirational stuff to short stories reminiscent of Readers Digest – you can say what you like, but its all readable stuff. Oh, and I really enjoyed Grand Pa‘s jokes – ok, many are admittedly mega-silly, but what jokes aren’t?

User Info – 7

Very low on links, but high on “life lessons a la Morrie“…if you go for that kind of thing. And a great resource for jokes too.

Overall Experience – 8

For an instant uplift, old fashioned humour and some good clean fun, Grand Pa‘s is the place to go.

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