Genetics Genie


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GeneticsGenie shares valuable information on genetics-related topics including geneaology tests and diagnostic grade whole genome sequencing. Behind this blog is a trainee diagnostic genetic scientist based in Central London.

Visual Aesthetics – 10

The blog has a clean look with its white background and the absence of ads. Photos and videos add to the appeal of every blog post.

User Friendliness – 10

Going around the site should be stress-fee as links are available and direct you to the right page you want to visit.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

People interested about genetics or those researching about the topics should find it interesting browsing through the site’s content.

Useful Info – 9

Genetic information provided on the blog allows for better and deeper understanding of genetics. The site is ideal for people studying genetics or simply those interested on the subject matter.

Overall Experience – 9

A pleasant browsing experience awaits visitors of the GeneticsGenie blog. Except for the small font size used, the site is very useful to people looking to better understand genetics and other related issues.

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