Gay Voyageur

Gay Voyageur

Gay Voyageur is a French blog that shares guide gay et destination gay. It offers travel tips for gays and the LGBT community and provides information on gay travelers, Gay Pride and LGBT rights in France, among others.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

The photos on the site are sure to captivate attention even on first visit. The white background highlights the images and allows visitors to focus more on the site’s content.

User Friendliness – 9

Although the site is in French, it can easily be translated in one click. Links are also available to take readers to their desired content.

Reading Enjoyment – 10

Gays are sure to find interesting information on the site including travel tips and guides.

Useful Info – 10

The travel information and tips provided on the site are very useful particularly to gays who love to travel the world.

Overall Experience – 9

This gay-oriented blog has lots to offer notably to French-speaking gays looking for guides and travel information on their favorite destinations.

Bloggy Award


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