Dummies Guide
Remember the Dummies book series that made it big years ago? Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta seems to be an offshoot of that concept.
Visual Aesthetics – 5
The color scheme is just painful to look at! Bright colors clash against each other – pink, green, orange, red, and so on. I think the blog could tone down a bit in this respect. More so, the blog is quite cluttered, leaving the reader with a sense of bewilderment.
User Friendliness – 7
The cluttered look makes it a bit tedious to scroll up and down as you try to figure out what you can find in the blog. There are links within the posts – which is a good thing. The pages load up with no problem but it is really quite hard to navigate – not quite for dummies, I should say.
Reading Enjoyment – 8
The entries are very simple and easy to read, making up for the confusion of of the layout. I’d say you can enjoy the content more than the form.
Useful Info – 10
There is a lot of information that one can use. In this respect, Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta does achieve its purpose.
Overall Experience -7
Content-wise, Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta is highly recommendable. The physical aspect needs some revamping, I believe.
[tags]blogging, Google blogger beta, blogs[/tags]