Looking for a way to makes ends meet or simply to supplement you budget? Dosh Dosh can give you some pretty good legitimate ideas to help you make money online. Scoff at the idea of making money this way? Read this blog and you just might be pleasantly surprised by the large number of ways you can do this without having to resort to something questionable or even just irritating to others.
Visual Aesthetics – 10
Dosh Dosh makes do with a simple template yet the blog looks pretty cute. Yes it really is cute primarily because of the header and the images that goes with each and every post. The author seems to prefer cartoony images and for a financial help blog it’s pretty funny that it actually works because I found myself reading the first few lines of several entries just because of the accompanying images.
User Friendliness – 10
The simple layout works and though the sidebars have a lot of things going on it doesn’t appear cluttered and the organization is still obvious making it easy to find features. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an RSS logo as big as the one in this blog but it does get your attention and it practically screams “Subscribe please!”.
Reading Enjoyment – 7
This is the blog’s only weak point since some of the entries are just not that enjoyable to read. The good thing though is that for long entries only snippets are displayed on the homepage so that visitors can skip entries that they feel are not very relevant to them.
User Info – 10
Lots and lots of money making ideas in this blog. What’s nice about the money making schemes is that they’re all legal. Dosh Dosh even helps visitors dodge the more spurious schemes by exposing scams.
Overall Experience – 10
A very useful blog for anybody who needs to make more cash. Dosh Dosh has some cool and simple ideas although you can also opt for the more laborious ways to earn money also suggested by this blog. There’s surely something for everyone in this blog may it be something as simple as the passive marketing of your blog or participating in Paid Surveys.
[tags]Profit Online,Adsense,Affiliate Programs,Marketing,Link Selling,Link Advertising,Paid Survey,Blog Promotion,Website Promotion,Pay to Post Forums,Social Media,Advertising Network[/tags]