
Bloggy Widgets


Dropdown Archive Menu

Bloggy Widgets

Did you know that as of 2005 there were already more than 100 million blogs in the internet? With such a large number of blogs existing an with more sprouting up each day it would be most surprising if nobody thought of making a blog aimed at helping other bloggers in the quest to make a better blog. Bloggy Widgets is exactly that a blog designed to help and keep other bloggers informed about the lastest stuff you can use for blogging.

Visual Aesthetics – 8

For a blog that’s supposed to help other blogs achieve greatness Bloggy Widget’s look is pretty disappointing. It is pleasant enough to look at and works pretty well but it doesn’t have the edge it should display.

User Friendliness – 8

Its is quite easy to navigate with the usual elements found on its sidebar. But again it leaves me wanting for more as it can make use of some of its posts advice to be more user friendly. As an example since the author knows how to make a drop down archive, which would make it much easier to dig into the archives, why didn’t he make use of that? However if you’re used to the basic structure of a blog you surely will feel comfortable with Bloggy Widgets.

Reading Enjoyment – 7

Since its supposed to be a tutorial blog you won’t find it a very enjoyable read. The good point here is that the author manages to be pretty precise so that the tutorials are informative and don’t drag. It’s just that it doesn’t make for a good leisure read.

Useful Info – 10

This is what Bloggy Widget’s all about. Information and more information. If you want to find some truly useful tips on improving your blog this is the place to go. No theoretical ways for imporvement but real solid advice you can implement at once.

Overall Experience – 8

Bloggy Widgets is a very useful resource for bloggers. If you plan on making a look overhaul or want to add extra features in your blog then its a very good idea to head on to Bloggy Widgets for fresh and easy to implement features.

[tags]Blog,Blog Tools,Blog Widgets,Blog Tutorial,Blog Information,Blog Improvement[/tags]

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